
The PSP Plan

The purpose of this protocol is to set out the aims, objectives, and commitments of the Digital Health for Heart Health Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) and the basic roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved.

If you would like to read our project protocol, a living document outlining our plans, please click here.

Terms of Reference

The JLA is a non-profit making initiative which enables patients, carers and clinicians to work together to identify and agree priorities for research. Each PSP consists of patients, carers and their representatives, and clinicians, and is led by a Steering Group. The Steering Group oversees the activities of the PSP and has responsibility for the activity and the outcomes of the PSP. Collaboration between patients, carers, and clinicians to set the research agenda is vital in drawing issues to the attention of research funders that might not otherwise be suggested or prioritised.

For more details about the Digital Health for Heart Health terms of reference click here.